Opening Doors, 2004
$600 B & W film Website: http://www.ju90.co.uk/ London, England Camera work by Julie Newman VO by Mari Weiss |
“As many as one in five of us may be disabled.
It is highly unlikely that you will ever give a performance or lecture, or hold an event or exhibition, without substantial
numbers of disabled people being part of your target audience…
Most of us are likely to become disabled at some point in our lives; disability is not about ‘us and them’ but all of us.”
-Ju Gosling’s article “No Budget Guide for Artists to Disability Access”
"Opening Doors takes a playful look at building design and the importance of co-operation. In this 4-minute black and white film a man pushes a woman in a wheelchair.
A dark-haired white woman in a wheelchair and a thin white bald man look down at a staircase. They turn their heads and the man starts to push the wheelchair. The two make a series of turns down many hallways and through many doors. The man opens doors for the woman in the chair. The building they wheel through is office-like, with fire extinguishers and labels on the walls that we cannot read.
Finally, the man and woman find a room labelled “toilet” with a wheelchair accessible symbol on the door. The woman opens the door herself and enters the room. After a moment, she exits the room and wheels herself around in circles to celebrate. The man and woman find an elevator. The man pushes the button and the woman wheels herself in. He enters behind her. The elevator door shuts, and then opens and they both exit down a hallway towards an automatic door. Light streams in through the door’s glass. The woman wheels herself towards the exit. The man follows, dancing from side to side behind the wheelchair." -A. Laura Brody
A dark-haired white woman in a wheelchair and a thin white bald man look down at a staircase. They turn their heads and the man starts to push the wheelchair. The two make a series of turns down many hallways and through many doors. The man opens doors for the woman in the chair. The building they wheel through is office-like, with fire extinguishers and labels on the walls that we cannot read.
Finally, the man and woman find a room labelled “toilet” with a wheelchair accessible symbol on the door. The woman opens the door herself and enters the room. After a moment, she exits the room and wheels herself around in circles to celebrate. The man and woman find an elevator. The man pushes the button and the woman wheels herself in. He enters behind her. The elevator door shuts, and then opens and they both exit down a hallway towards an automatic door. Light streams in through the door’s glass. The woman wheels herself towards the exit. The man follows, dancing from side to side behind the wheelchair." -A. Laura Brody
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Opulent Mobility by A. Laura Brody is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
The Opulent Mobility license refers to the exhibit and its audio descriptions. Individual artworks are the property of the individual artists.